No in-person worship on December 20, 24, or 27
In General
What to Expect
- Indoor worship services will resume Sunday, November 15th
- Services will take place in Founders Hall at 10:45 a.m.
- Services will be limited to a maximum of approximately 80 people to allow proper social distancing (we will ask you to reserve space for you/your family in advance)
- All attendees ages 5 and up will be required to wear a mask that covers both the nose and mouth at all times. If you do not bring a mask, one will be provided.
- No food or beverage during the service
- Anyone feeling ill or who has been exposed to COVID-19 in the last 14 days is asked to stay home and watch online
- Individuals who would potentially be more susceptible to COVID-19 are encouraged to stay home and watch online. Please see the Center for Disease Control’s website ( for guidance on individuals at higher risk.
- The doors and/or windows to Founders Hall may be open to maximize airflow and ventilation, so please dress accordingly
- No childcare will be provided
- Restrooms will be available, but attendees are asked to make every effort to limit their use
- Other areas of the church building will be blocked off
What to Expect
- Access will be via the handicap ramp on the tennis court side of Founders Hall
- Once you enter Founders Hall, you will immediately be seated by an usher and must remain at your seat until the service has concluded
- If you wish to visit with another congregant before the service, you may do so outdoors while socially distanced and taking care to not block the sidewalk to those arriving
- Founders Hall will be seated from front to back to minimize passing by one another
- You will only be seated with other members of your immediate family
- Each block of chairs will be at least 6 feet away from any other block of chairs--DO NOT MOVE CHAIRS
- Family units larger than 4 people will need to break into seating groups of 4 or less
- Services will be more casual, featuring pre-recorded music
- There will be no singing
- No offering plates will be passed
- There will be a children’s sermon
- The congregation will be dismissed from back to front so as to minimize passing by one another
- The congregation will exit via the main doors into Founders Hall and then proceed either down the steps or back to the handicap ramp
- As you exit the building, there will be a box to drop any offering
- If you wish to visit with another congregant after the service, you may do so outdoors while socially distanced and taking care to not block the sidewalk from those departing
Please fill out the form below and click submit so we'll know how many to expect for Sunday Morning Worship.
Please fill out the form below and click submit so we'll know how many to expect for Sunday Morning Worship.
If you have trouble filling out the form, call the church office and leave a message with your reservation information. The church phone number is 865-577-8510. You can also email your reservation information to [email protected].
The deadline to sign up is the preceding FRIDAY.