There is a Chinese proverb that says, “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand.” One can apply this statement to many things in our lives, including all the ways we can gather at church. This statement is the same for children and adults. We can read Bible stories at home, but we probably still have faded Sunday School crafts from our own childhood, be it lambs made out of cotton balls, or Noah’s rainbow made out of squares of construction paper. Those activities, crafts, and discussion with our peers, matter in our Christian lives. They also help bond relationships that can last a lifetime.
Every year Lake Hills hosts fun events for folks of all ages! Everyone is welcome our annual Easter Egg, usually the Saturday before Easter. Vacation Bible School kicks off our summer fun each year. Lake Hills is home to a wonderful day-camp called Summer Rec, providing a fun outlet a few days a week for children while they're out of school. Join us before Halloween, for our annual Fall Festival with a Trunk-Or-Treat, games, chili cook-off and more. |